State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust/Genocide Education recommendation
Click here to see the State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust/Genocide Education recommendation of A Journey into the Holocaust and its teacher’s guide as an excellent multi-day program to school administrators. This recommendation also lists many of the educational objectives of the complete five class period program.
Common Core and the Holocaust by Alan Singer
Common Core and the Holocaust by Alan Singer
Learning to conduct research with contemporaneous interviews
Contemporaneous interviews are an excellent way to obtain accurate information. Ask your students to visit which has the personal stories of more than 3,500 Hungarian Holocaust Survivors recorded in 1945-46. These contemporaneous Protocols are extremely valuable in understanding how difficult their lives were during 1944 and 1945. Each student should pick one female and […]
Is this Nazi soldier innocent or a war criminal?
1. Have your students read: Innocence by Klaus Heck. Ask them to answer in an essay or class presentation if the solder in the story is innocent or a war criminal?