A Moment in Time – Remembering the Holocaust

Picture of Hilter inspecting Allied bombing damage

Leon Weissberg, Ed. D. In a post-Holocaust world Jewish educators have endeavored to provide high school teens with an experience that will imbed the conceptual framework of the Holocaust into their beings turning the intellectual study into an emotional, memorable and meaningful experience. The experience is known as the March of the Living. Youngsters travel […]

State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust/Genocide Education recommendation

Click here to see the State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust/Genocide Education recommendation of A Journey into the Holocaust and its teacher’s guide as an excellent multi-day program to school administrators. This recommendation also lists many of the educational objectives of the complete five class period program.

Navigation issue with some A Journey into the Holocaust DVDs

DVD label

We have found that certain DVDs of A Journey into the Holocaust have a problem with three of the twenty-three scenes on the Scene Selection menu. All three problems are on the second page of the scene selection sub-menu. The problem is not critical, and there is an easy way to work around it. If […]

International Holocaust Education Varies Widely

International Status of Education about the Holocaust logo

How do we teach the Holocaust? How do other countries teach the Holocaust? The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Georg Eckert Institute recently released a comprehensive report on Holocaust education in global curricula entitled “The International Status of Education About the Holocaust: A Global Mapping of Textbooks and Curricula.” This highly […]

Learning to conduct research with contemporaneous interviews

Contemporaneous interviews are an excellent way to obtain accurate information. Ask your students to visit www.degob.org which has the personal stories of more than 3,500 Hungarian Holocaust Survivors recorded in 1945-46. These contemporaneous Protocols are extremely valuable in understanding how difficult their lives were during 1944 and 1945. Each student should pick one female and […]

Survivors of the Holocaust – pre-study guide

Photo of four generations in a family with a cross in the background

From “Race to Racism” between 1933 and 1945, the Nazis murdered about one-third of all of the Jews in the world. Young and old alike were killed solely because of their ancestry. How could it happen in the twentieth century in the heart of Europe? Historians, psychologists, and theologians are still debating that question. So […]